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ESPACO este o companie imobiliară de excepţie, întrucât are un obiectiv aparte şi anume, implicarea totală în vederea garantării siguranţei şi succesului business-ului dumneavoastră.

Concret, în cazul nostru, succesul unui business reiese din faptul că reuşim, prin expertiza şi experienţa consultanţilor companiei, să înţelegem nevoile individuale ale fiecărui client şi să îi propunem soluţii imobiliare personalizate, de cea mai înaltă calitate, cu un risc investiţional scăzut şi probabilităţi maxime de profit.


Serviciile noastre variate reflectă un grad înalt de profesionalism din partea unei echipe coezive, competente, care îşi asumă responsabilitatea în a oferi informaţiile cele mai valoroase, pentru ca fiecare etapă a procesului de tranzacţionare să fie clară, transparentă, uşor de asimilat şi de orientat, în direcţia câştigului dorit.

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We are constantly adapting, we invest in the quality of our own resources, so that you can enjoy the experience, knowledge and efficiency with which we respond to all requests regarding success in transactions, investments, real estate appraisals, etc.

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The simplicity of the collaboration results from the promptness we show when you contact us, the ability to understand the specifics of the request and the speed in offering you the most integrated solutions, from which together, to choose in due time, the optimal option.

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We are intensely involved, using advanced, diversified specialized methods, in accordance with the general evolution of the market, but also of the complexity of real estate applications.

Everything to ensure the satisfaction of your real estate business success!


In the current context of the real estate market, our team is an ideal partner for a profitable investment.

We are a team formed and consolidated by applying and promoting the following values: trust, professionalism, respect, seriousness, involvement.

Each member is interested in developing professionally and personally. It is continuously self-improving, managing to offer solutions, more and more adapted to the demands of our clients.



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We were looking for a real estate agent with or without experience, eager to work, to assert himself and to benefit from a consistent, attractive income. So, if you like people and you know how to communicate with them, you are disciplined, persevering and demanding with yourself, passionate about real estate, then apply for this job!


You will promote the properties you will take in your portfolio, you will contact the interested clients, you will present them offers according to what they want, you will make views, negotiations and then transactions.


Ongoing training in sales/negotiation techniques;
Modern means of work and advertising, high-performance logistics;
Fixed salary plus progressive commission depending on earnings;
Optimal conditions for carrying out the activity;
Select office in the Primaverii area, sector 1, near Herăstrău Park, Border;
Easy access from Aviatorilor metro station, Charles de Gaule Square, RATB stations;
Continuous training, pieces of training, free courses given by the company, teambuilding;
Competitive work environment, enthusiastic colleagues, high-performing teams;
Flexible work schedule;
The possibility of a long-term career.

We have the best real estate services for intermediation or exclusive representation for houses, villas, apartments, land, and offices, in Bucharest, as well as in the surrounding areas.

Our values ​​are Trust, Professionalism, Respect, Seriousness, and Involvement.

Our success is due to the passion and enthusiasm with which we engage in daily activities.

We are followers of building lasting relationships. For this, we know how to appreciate performance correctly, we encourage progress and the freedom to live up to it.

Come to our team!

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